The Housing Connection
Linda Whited, The Housing ConnectionPhone: (239) 209-2330
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Home Seller

Posted on 02/23/2025
Your guide to selling a mortgaged house
Selling a mortgaged house is a common real estate...
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Posted on 10/10/2021
Are Land Contracts Good for Sellers?
A land contract is a type of seller financing that has many benefits both for buyer and seller. In a land contract, the seller provides credit instead of a lender or bank. The buyer makes their regular payments to the seller directly. Once the total price is paid in full, the seller gives the buyer the title to...
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Posted on 03/14/2021
Pros and Cons of FSBO
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay For Sale by Owner (FSBO) can be an extremely tempting prospect for home sellers. If you don't have to pay the real estate commission, you can put more of the money from the house sale directly into your pocket. But it takes more of a roll-up-your-sleeves attitude to successfully complete a home...
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Posted on 12/06/2020
Staging Do’s and Don’ts
Photo by John Wollwerth via Shutterstock No matter how well-intentioned, when it’s time to sell your home taking the advice of friends and family while disregarding the advice of your agent is a recipe for slowing down your home’s sale. Your professional agent knows the current market and what buyers look for. In fact, they may even have...
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Posted on 11/29/2020
How Overpricing Could Hinder a Sale
Photo by Billion Photos via Shutterstock When homeowners start thinking about selling, the first thing they want to know is, “How much can I sell my house for?” Your real estate agent's task is determining the fair market value with a range of prices from low to high. The spread between the two values typical is not large...
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Posted on 07/19/2020
What a Real Estate Contract Should Contain
Photo by Mohamed Hassan via PixabayBuying and selling real estate is a complicated process that takes time. Because you are making a life decision and dealing with strangers, you should always have a valid purchase contract. Real estate agents use a standard contract, but the buyer and/or seller may make changes to that contract. In making changes, be...
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Posted on 02/16/2020
Why You May Want to Hire a Professional Over DIY
Photo by oneSHUTTER oneMEMORY via Shutterstock When it comes to home improvement, renovations, upgrades and expansions, seek the assistance of a professional. Why do you need a pro? Unless you built your home yourself, you might not understand all the factors that combine to engineer a house such as the electrical needs to support the load and the...
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